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Greetings my friends and respected readers. In this article blog post I will share with you in my life real story. In the article title is 2 Times Right Hand Surgery by the title you may realized that why this was happen to me.
In my life that was very sad chapter in my life. On the other post I already told you what happne in my life. You may know that and realized that I hope so.
My right hand as you know all men both hand looks beautiful but after surgery my right hand looks ugly. What haapne to me I will explain in this article hope if you like share with you kith and kin. lets start
How To Recover After 2 Times Right Hand Surgery
I truly telling you that wihtout Blessing of God nothin is possible. So in my life everything is possible only blessing of God.

First time my hand surgery was not succesfull. Second time I mean 2 times need right hand surgery for proper care and proper treatment. I got twice a challenging experience.
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My point of veiw that my healing journey after multiple procedures requires proper care, patience and clear understading of post-surgical requirements.
I had got hand infections due to taken huge drugs the infections was bone TB at my right hand wrist. This disease had been find out after two month blood and other necessary culture.
First time surgery did not successful due to proper blood or other necessary culture did not find out.
And I am a immunosupressive pateint for that why doctor did not porvide me high dose medicine due to bad impact in my kidney. But when everything goes bad and did not well my hand infections that time they I mean doctor change their mind. They went to take second time hand surgery finnally.
But second time the blood and other necessary simple culture for 2 month and everything find out after than doctor provide me medicine and other health care support .
After than I was come round day bay day. But I had been fight and take care with medicine for one 01 year.
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I also tell you that two time hand surgery was my challenging experience. I tell you that the healing journey after multiple procedures requires proper care; patience; and a clear understanding of post surgical requirments.
Whether the surgeries were due to trauma; arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome; knwoing how to navigate the recovery process will significanlty influence my retrun to daily life and activities.
Why I need 2 Times Right Hand Surgery
I gona tell you my dear friend my real life story that I got too much pain and also fever all time. Also my right hand was swelled day by day at the wrist side. So when I told doctor about my all problem.
The doctor provided me to some test. The main test was right hand ultrasound. There were aslo many blood test also.
The ultrasound find out that there were many puss and bacteria in my right hand. To confirm about the disease I have to need a local hand surgery. So first time I had been taken the hand surgery. The doctor done that and find out that I got bone TB. So they provid me medicine.

But they did not provide me high dose medicine for my kidny problem and I was taken immunosupressive medicine also that time. Unfortunatly after one week I got pain and swelled that surgery point and agian meet with doctor.
Doctor provide same test ultrasound and other blood test. So after done the ultrasound I had taken again I mean 2 time right hand surgery. That was a big chanlleng in life that after one week I had to prepared second time hand surgery.
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So there were no alternative way. Cause there were too much puss and bacteria into to the point and all puss and bacteria must clear by the hand surgery. The blod and and other puss and bacteria had taken to the laboratory for check and examine.
What actually the disease there were cancer or anyother disease in my body. After one month culture they provide me the result. I went again CMC hospital ate infectious disease departement and told me that same disesease that was bone TB.
But now they porvide me high dose medicine for kill the disease. Rifampicine antibiotic and other necessary medicine. Thanks God that there were no big disease I got. But I had been taken other TB medicine for two years for my kidney consultant advice.
The kidney consultant my kidney doctor porvide me life long to take some TB medicine. But after consult that infectiouse desease dipertment after than my kidney consultant doctor stopped the medication of TB.
After One Year Come Round Journey from TB
My friend I am telling you I had strugle for one year to come round from the TB. It was really painfull in my life and I got too much pain about it. I also tell you that at my right hand wrist side it was.
When I continue the Rifampicine and also other medicine that time the bacteria are come out from the the point by pus. There were too many pus I had cleaned every day.
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My wife all time help mt to cleaning and dressing to me. I also consulted with doctor what was there. The infectious disease doctor told me that there were nothing to worry.

That bacteria pus were come out that the medicine and my antibody was working. So just I had been do the dressing and cleaning my hand everyday with properly that’s all.
There were no food restriction. But everyday I had to keep hygine and all time keep dressing and cleaning the affected hand portion.
And also continue the medicine every day in time to time. I also prayed to my God that keep me strong and recover from this infectious disease.
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Yes here I am telleing you that God help me and now I am totally free from this infectious disease. But I had to struggle for one year.
Many times I am depressed about my life for got this life. But Blessing of God now I am ok and thank to God that he helped me and give me normal life again.
In my real life I learn and I tested that if We trust on God he all time touched us and keep us fine and healty life. I am the prof that only trust on God till now I am lving well.
Though there are big disease I am carying but Jesus love me and so why I am living keep well. Also thank you all who are keep prayer to me and also my family.
Immediate Post Surgery Care
The initial days after the second surgery are critical for preventing complications and ensuring proper healing.
Pain Management Use prescribed medications and cold compresses to reduce swelling.
Wound Care: Keep the surgical site clean and dry to avoid infections.
Follow Up Appointmnets: Regular Check up allow your doctor to monitor healing progress.
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Nutritions and Hydration: A blalaced diet rich in protein and vitamins supports tissue repair.
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation is a cornerstone of recovery particularly after two surgeries. Your hand’s range of motion; strength and dexterity can improve significantly with targeted exercises.

Range of Motion Exercises: Gnetle streching to prevent stiffness
Grip Strenthening: Use stress balls or grip traininers as advised by your therapist.
Fine Motor Skills Training: Practice movements like writing or using utensils.
Occupational Therapy: Learn Adaptive thechniques to manage daily activities.
What are my common challenges after my two times right hand surgery
I am telling now, recovery from multiple surgeries comes wihtits own set of challenges. Indentifying and addressing these obstacles early can prevent setbacks.
Stiffness and Reduced Mobility: Prolonged immobilization may lead to joint stiffness.
Pian or Discomfort: Manage persistent pain with medications or alternative therapies like acupuncture.
Scar Tissue Formation: Massaging the scar under professional guidance can improve flexibility.
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Emotional Strain: Seek support groups or counseling if recovery feels overwhelming.
Tips for a Smooth Recovery Journey
According to my real life point of view follow the tips:
Stick to Your Therapist’s plan: Consistency is key to rehabilitation.
Avoid Overexertion: Gradual progression prevents reinjury.
Stay Positive: Celebrate samll victories to keep motivated.
Communicate wiht Your Helathcare Team: Share concerns and progress upadates reagularly.
Life Style Adjusment after two hand surgeries
Yes life style also change after two hand surgeries; I had realized that significanlty impact my daily life requiring thoughtful adjustments to maintain independence and aid recovery.
The Journey to ragaining functionality can be challenging but manageable wiht proper planning; Support; and resilinece.
Healing Process and Recovery
I all time follow my doctor;s recommendations diligently including taking prescribed medications, attending follow up appoinments and adhering to wound care protocols.
This is essential to allow the hand ample time to heal and avoid rushing back into strenuous activities. Splints or braces may be necessary to protect the hand during recovery ; especially if there are restrictions on movement.
I know practically that physicall therapy play a vital role in regaining mobility; strength and coordinations. Working with a therapiest esures exercises are tailored or my specifiec needs.
Adsusting Daily Activities:
Not my only but all of human two hands are require for dialy tasks. But my after surgery ther right hand had limited mobility and strength.
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Learning to use my non-dominant hand can be a challenging but rewarding adptation. Start with basic activities like earing, brushing teeth and using a smartphone.
Over time my coordiation and efficiencey with my left hand will imporve.
Invest in assistive devices designed for individuals with limited hand function. Tools sucha as left handed scissors adpative untensils and jar openers can make tasks more manageable.
Additionally household chores might require delegation or adjusments. Leghtweight tools with ergonomic handles cna reduce strain, while outsourcing physically demanding tasks such as deep cleaning may be beneficial during recovery.
Workplace and Professional Adjustments
If my job requires extensive use of my hands communicate openly wiht my employer about my situation.
Requesting temporary modifications such as reduced hours lighter duteis; or work from home options if feasible.

Adopting ergonomic tools such as and adjustable keyborad or voice recognition software can reduce strain and eanble me to reamin productive while accommodatin our recovery needs.
Physiological & Emotional Adaptation
Ya I knew that hand surgeries can also take an emotional toll. Fellings of frustration dependence or worry about the future are common.
Seeking emotional support through therapy, support groups or conversations with friends and family can help manage stress.
Setting realistic recover Goals and celebrating small milestones can boost moral and provide a sense of accomplishment.
Learning new skills or hobbies that require hand involvement can also be therapeutic. Activities like reading gardening or photography allow you to stay engaged without overstressing your hand.
Long Term Preventive Measures
Once recovery is complete it is crucial to prevent further injury. Avoid repetitive strain by taking regular breaks during manual tasks and practice proper hand posture.
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Incorporate hand strengthening exercises into your routine to maintain functionality and reduce the risk of future complications.
Lifestyle adjustments after two right hand surgeries require patient and determination and creativity.
By embracing adaptive tools, seeking, support and committing recovery individuals can overcome challenges and lead fulfilling lives despite the temporary limitations.
Hi dear friends in this article I share my real life experienced. Hope you like this and share with your frineds and family.
I had respected my dotors advice and also pray all time to God. So specially keep maintaining doctor advice and also medications and side by side if you pray to God that will be very good for all. Thank You for read it. all the best.
What is the typical recovery time after two right hand surgeries?
Recovery can vary but typically sapns 6-12 weeks depneding onthe severity and type of srugeries preformed.
How cna I reduce stiffness after surgery?
Prform recommended streching excercises and use warm compresses to improve flexibility.
Is physical therapy mandatory after multiple hand surgeries?
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Yes Physical therapy is crucial for restoring strenth and mobility post surgery.
Can I use my hand immediately after surgery?
No Rest is essential. Avoid heavy use until cleared by your doctor.