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Hi my friends; today I am going to tell you Alone live in India. What was my experienced and what happen to me that time and why I had been stayed alone in India. Every year I have to go Inida for my health treatment. I had been stayed alone India that time. That about 20 days I had to stay there.
In other country alone stay is very much difficult for me as a new comer. There were no one to share and keep getting help. Everybody we know that no one live alone in this beautiful earth. So, that word same to me . But how I had been spent 20 days Alone live in India one place today I will share with you in this blog post. So, let’s go
Why I am Alone Live in India.
I am telling you that for my health treatment purposes I went to India alone. Especially south India that place is CMC Christian Medical College Hospital. I went there for my kidney follow up treatment. I am from Bangladesh Christian Indigenous Garo Person.

I have family and friends and others also. But Why I went there alone. Cause I trust all time in God. Blessing of God I had went and come back totally alone and done every mission successfully.
Besides that, I had emergency need to go and there were no one to accompany that time for that reason I went there. I already told you that I am kidney patient and every year two time I need to went there. for my health treatment purpose.
Read More Night 02pm I Return Home
In the south India specially CMC Christian Medical College Vellore Tamil Nadu state where I went alone and live alone. I stayed there in a hotel. There in near CMC all most 90 percent building are hotel. And all hotel is staying different kinds of patient.
Their hotel you can get in cheap rate. The starting rate is 300 rupees. Ac non- Ac hotel are abilable there. In every hotel room attached with kithehen room abailable. Their also all-time get kitchen materials in cheap rate with utensil.
But the utensil and other material are you can get all are used. If you did not use that already used untensil. Ok you can buy from markent and use that. If you rent used utensil that time per utensil it will taken 10 rupees.
I want to say that in a hotel you can get every single things even gas cooker and all are cheap rate. Roome are abailable and also get easily. There are so many hotel in near CMC. What you want you can visit and take one room accordance to your budget.
Comon Condition to book hotel room

There are a common condition in vellore neare CMC Christina Medical College all hotel . What is that? Tha is when anyone want to book a hotel room that time he or she have to pay in advanced for minimum three days. That is non refandable I mean you did not get retrun back that three days money .
Read More 32 Hours alone Bus and Train Journey
That means if I booked one hotel for three days and if I leave the hotel in day after next day (stay only one day) I did not get the advanced tow days money. That is the condition. There were few hotel’s that if you want to book that hotel one room you have to pay in advanced for five day’s non refundable.
So from my site point of view that when anyone finnaly book any hotel room near CMC that time must have a look that hotel condition. But there are all person I mean 90 percent visitor went to the area for treatment purpose. So 15 to 20 days maximum person need to saty there for treatment.
I had been saty there maximum time two months fifteen days. Every year I have to go there for treatment purpose at CMC. That time I had to saty there 15 to 20 days. One year I had to went there alone. That time Everything I had to do alone there.
Vegetable and Fish and Meat market
I had try to avoid take food from hotel and all time try to take food from hand made by my own. All time I had taken haire cilinder and utensil. I had to make food for my hand, what ever the food is easy to cook for me. Maximum time I had taken boild vegetalbel and also meat. Some time I had taken fish. Fish all time cooked with oil.
Read More Alone in Airport at Night 2am
In india you can get cheap vegetable from the market. There are available fruites and vegetable near a big market. Many of there in the market you can get different vegetable. I mean you can take 3 potatoes five beans, one radish, one bringle and etc just in one KG or half KG. You need not take part by part of them in KG.
That why all vegetable you can get in one KG. In the fish market anyone can get one piece fish or if anyone want three piece that will be possible. So that also everyone can get there. But in the meat markent you also get but that will be you have to take in Gram unit.
According my point of view vegetalbles and fish and meat are coparetivly cheap and easily you can get here and there. In that area all are patinet that why everyone get easily.
Managed in one hand
Specially I am kidney patient so I had to manged all things in my one hand. There were no helping hand. From cook to go doctor take all kinds of blood urine and everykind of my body treatment, I had taken in my one hand. There were no one that help me. So that time I had to do everyting alone.
Though that time that was burden for me but I had managed all in my one hand. That time I had taken taken maximum pressure. Specially when I had to meet doctor and also had blood or other body test. That time I had to waited for my doctor visit . That time form the morning I had to spent in the hospital a day long.
Read More My Life After Kidney Transplant
That time I did not took braekfast and lunch in the general time. I had taken some biscutes or bread from in side the hospital canten. Because there were many patient and wait for one by one. That time if any serial mistak so I had to go back and that serial will be long process to come in first serial.
Part by part one by one every patient serial maintaining must there without serial no one can get visit docotor and other test.
In the morning I had taken in breakfast olny bread and boiled egg. At the lunch time I had thaken rice and vegetables and little meat some time fish. In the night time I had been taken potato boiled and also ladish finger boild only.
Speciall I did not get enough time to cook more times. That why I had been takne boild food when I was alone. In the gave time I mean when there was no work in hospital or any other treatment test that time I was visit few sight see I mean visit site. Nearest of CMC that was Vellore Fort it is also very historical place.
Another is Golden Tempole that is far from CMC , It takes 40 miniutes by CNG from CMC. When ever I went last time that was from vellore port there were many three wheller sharing vehicles and pere person they had taken may be that was 100 ruppes. That time it was taken 30 minutes to reached that Golden tmeple in vellore.
The temple are is very large area as like stadium. And to entry and visit teh Golden Temple I had taken ticket for 20 rupees. And visit that place bear foot and at the the temple to reached I had been walk for around 30 minutes maximum I hope so.

Into the Goldden temple there were a Large Golden temple and all HIndu religious are the maximum visitor to visit that place and pray to the Golden Tmeple area.
After visit the Golden Temple we had been return to our hotel room by sharing three wheeler. When we had reached to the CMC gat that time I had bought some vegetalble and some bread for next day breakfast and lunch.
Every day I had taken breac in breakfast and in lunch time I had taken meat and in night dinner time taken boild potato or pumkin with little rice. Some time taken bread and banana. You know I had been suffering from kindey CKD deaseas. And that why I am here CMC.
Read More I’m Kidney Transplant Patient Over come Covid19
In CMC there are so many patient here and there. So many patient come here and take differnet services here. But now there are not that much patient due to in India there were so many hospital now abailable and people get easily the treatment service easily.
I try to explain in this article that when I was stay alone at India that time In India I had been leave around 12 Days I had lived there alon. And Here in this blog post I share my life and you also get some few idea.
Actually live in alone all time support independence but challenging. It Can lead to loneliness and all time lack of immediate support if anyone faced in danger time.
In my point of view some time you can leave alone but all time not good. So if you want to lead a colorfull life we must lead with partner I mean conjugle life or meat wiht some one. That time there are so many option to lead a good live.