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My real life expereince I am sharing here what was the feeling and how I had passed the time when my kidney totally damaged. I also already explained here my real life two years kidney dialysis experience.

Now in this post I am telling you what was my feeling that time. How I had passed the daily life when totally my two kidney damaged and failure. I mean that time how I managed and live without hope and had passed too much darkness and sorrowness that time.
Though I had pray to God and virgin Mary to over come that darkness and sorrowfull days. So lets start to express my feellings living with kidney failure.
The moment I was diagnosed
After all my body and organ and A to Z all test completed at the day my kidney doctor told me my kidneys had failed. Totally my heart had gone made and I had felt too mcuh sad and sorrowness in my life that time.
I felt Numb and unable to process what I had just heard. I asked myself ” why me?” God and my dear virgin Mary why this to me? Totally my heart gone and I felt wordless what actually I speak out about that.
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My all family members werr cryed out and specially my mother and father and my wife get too much pain in mind and also in heart. They were shocked, worried and unsure how to help.
I didn’t have a history of kidney disease and I had feeling fine just weeks befor. Fear consumed me fear of hte inknown, of medical treatments and of how this would change my life. Beaking the news to my family was just as painful.
Emotional and Mental Challenges:
Dealing with kindey failure was not just about the physical pain, ir was an emotional rollercoster. I often felt trapped in my own body; unable to do things I once took for granted.
Depression and anxiety crept in, marking it hard to saty positive. Some days I felt hopeless, questioning if life was even worth the struggle.
Read More My Life After Kidney Transplant
However ; I soon realized that my mindset played a crucial role in survival. I started what was doing in everyday. I also joining support groups where others shared their own battles with kidney disease.
Talking to people who understood my pain helped me cope. My family’s encouragement and my will to fight kept me going.
What Happned how I over come the kidney Dialysis days
My age was 33 years and that time my kidney gone failure. I had to taken kidney dialysis per week two times. My serum createnine was 15micromoles/L.

That time I was all time weak and never do normal work. Now I think that time in first 5 months I did not do my all works alone I need a help hand. Read More Red Eyes 2 Eyes Suddenly Treatment
I did not go to the hospital and take dialysis alone. When after finished dialysis I did not come alone to home. All time I was dissapointed and I never hope that I will return back my new life normal life.
I was alwayes dizzy, nauseaous and weak. I would feel dizzy whenever I tried to do somethng.
Few times I did not get up from the dialysis bed after had taken four hours kidney dialysis.
That time I had thought that how my life was going on and now my age was 32 but I did not move easily and how can I help others with this type of life.
Read More My Real Kidney Donor
I was helpless and dispointed about my life and asked myselfe why me and why I was carry out this type of difficult desiase.
All time I had to passed my hole day in the bed and my painfull another world. There were so many painfull situation in my dialy life that time.
When I had taking kidney dialysis it was first 5 months. But after 8 months there were my life had come little bit easy and simle. I mean adjusting my painful life.
One day I wanted to go out side alone for evening walk but I did not that time I felt dizzy and too much weak that I did not get out.
I had understand that I did not lead normal life and silently I get back to the bed and thought what will be next.
Really kidney failure life was too much painfull and dissapointed. But all time I prayed to Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary to resuce from this cursed life.
Yes Jesus Chirst help me and virgin Mary help me to give me a new life.
Understanding Kidney Failure
Everyone we know when kidney do not work that means the kidneyw can no longer filter waste and excess fluids from the blood; leading to serious health complications.

It can result from conditions like diabetes high blood pressure or chronic kidney disease. Symptoms often include fatigue, swelling; nausea and difficulty concentrating. Read More The Power Never Goes Out
But beyond the physical effects the emotional toll is just as signigicant. Knowing that my kidneys had failed felt like a death sentence at first; but I soon realized that hope and resilience could hlep me navigate this journey.
Dialysis A Lifetime and a Struggle
Everyone we know when anyone kidney fialure that time only one way to live and survive that is Kidney dialysis. So kidney dialysis became my new normal.
Three times a week , I spent 4 hours per day that means per week 12 hours a a clinic, hooked up a machine that did the work my kidneys could no longer do. It drained my energy, made me feel weak and disrupted my entire life. Read More Alone in Airport at Night 2am
I could no longer eat my favourite foods and evern drinking a glass of water felt like a luxury. But dspite the struggles; dialysis kept me alive; givign me time to hope for a transplant.
Adjusting to a New Reality Living with Kidney Failure
Life changed overnight. I had to follow a strict diet, limit my water intake; and prepare for treatment that would become a part of my daily routine.
The financial burden was overhelming with medical bills piling up. Emotionally I flet lost; but I knew to say strong.
Learning about my treatment options – dialysis or kidney trasplant – was crash vurse in survival.
Facing Financial and Career Challenges:
One of the biggest struggles was the financial burden. Medical bills; Dialysis costs; and medications drained my savings and my properties also.
I had to cut back on unnecessary expensis and at times I relied on financial aid programs to afford my treatments.

Every week I had needed 10000Tk in USA dollar $100 dollar for dialysis purpose onlyfor dialysis there were extra money I had spent for medicine and blood and other tests.
I had left my job and continued kidney dialysis to survive and leading my new life. So there were no options or source to get money for bear kidney dialysis treatment cost.
But some remote work; freelancing and small side business helpec me to stay finnacial support little while managing my helath.
The Impact on My Relationships
Kidney failure did not just affect me; it affected everyone around me, My family had to adjust to my new needs; ensuring I had proper meals; took my medications on time and got my dialysis appointments.
Their love and sacrifice made me feel both grateful and guilty- I hated being a burden. Read More 32 Hours alone Bus and Train Journey
Friendships also changed. Some friends drifted away, unable to undestand my new reality. Others stayed and became my pillars of support.
I learned who my true friends were – those who stood by me; even when I could not go out or be the same person I used to be.
Everyone we know that when anyone in danger that time no one come to you and no one help that time.
Everyone in danger time do not come into near to you that is the reality.
In danger time and bad situation everyperson avoiding and keep them safe zone. Reality is really difficult and everyone we had faced that situations.
I am the main witness that when my kidney damaged there were no friends in my life.
There were so many friends but when I was in danger no one come though I had so many friends. Only little one hand come to me and support me.
Coping Machanisms Finding Strength in Difficult Times
Despite the hardships; I learned how to find joy in the little things. I started practicing meditation and midfulness to calm my mind. Listening to music reading and evern writing about my experriences became therapeutic.
I also surrounded myslef with prositive influences – people who lifted me up instead of bringing me down. Read More Night 02pm I Return Home
Faith in God Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary played a biggest role in my painfull journey and also still now and I am telleing you forever.
Whethere through prayer spiritual readings or simply believing that better days would come my faith gave me hope.
Even in my weakest moments I remined myself that I was still alive for a reason.
I all time turst on God Jesus Chirst and Virgin Mary and pray in my deep mind and all time all day I had passed my paifull time the name of Jesus Christ and also Virgin Mary wiht Rossary Mala.
So now I got the result and Jesus Christ provide me new life and new time. I am very blessed by Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary. They really pity on me and give me new life.
I Recomanded you trust on God Jesus Chirst and Virgin Mary , 100% I ensured you that you will get 100% best fruits.
Kidney Transplant Hope that
You and everyone know that kidney transplant is the ultimate goal for all kidney failure patients. I was put on the transplant list but the wait felt endless.
Finding a matching donor isn;t easy and every passing day was filled with unexpecting and worrieness.
Everysingle day we were try to find our a kidney donar. We got but all are not fit for donate a kidney to me. Read More Alone live in India
But from the start to end time I was ready and fight everyday to make me keep fit my body shape possible for surgery.
God Blessing and Virgin Mary Blessing My kidney Transplant Day Come:
Ya blessing of God Jesus Christ the finnal day came. A donor kidney was available and I had to preapre for surgery immediatley. You can read also my life after kidney transplant.
My dear cousin brother gift me a kidney for me withour any condition. I never forget this gift of my cousin brother. Realy he is my hero forever.
My emotions were a mix of excitement fear and gratitude. Would the surgery be successful? Would my body accept the new kidney?
These thoughts raced through my mind as I was wheeled into the operating room.
Read More 02 Years Kidney Dialysis Experince
I all time trust on God Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, so the surgery was a success, but the road to recovery was long. I had to take anti-rejection medications attend frequent check ups and closely monitor my health.
But despite the much more challenges I finally felt free from the constant dependence on dialysis.
New Beginning Life after Transplant
Blessing of God Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary I got new life , It was not an instant fix- there were still risks medication side effects and regular health checks.
But I finnaly had the freedom to live without the constant strain of kidney failure.
I promised myself to cherish every moment. I Started doing things I once thougt were impossible – traveling eating my favorite foods again and spending quality time with my loved ones without worrying about my health. Read More 1/2 half a litter Water all day long
My lessons I learned from the Journey
Dear friend I am telling you that kidney failure tested me in ways I never imagined but it also shaped me into a stronger person. Read More 2 Times Right Hand Surgery
If you or someone you know is battling this condition know that you are not alone. There is hope and there is life beyond kidney disease. Keep fighting stay positive and believe in better days ahead.
- what are the first signs of kindey failure
Common signs include fatigue swelling nausea decreased urine output and difficulty concentrating. If you experience these symptoms seek medical advice immediatly.
2. How did you stay motivated during dialysis?
I focused on small jouys leaned on my spoport system and reminded myself that every dialysis session wsa keeping me alive. Read More Doctor Told My Kidney Rejecting But I Recovered
3. How long did it take to get a kidney transplant?
It varies for everyone. Some wait months while others wait years. In My case it was long and emotional journey but patiece and preserverace paid off.
4. what advice do you have for someone facing kidney failure?
Take it one day at a time. Find a strong suport system stay informed about your treatment options and never lose hope.