My real life expereince I am sharing here what was the feeling and how I had passed the time when my kidney totally damaged. I also already explained here my real life two years kidney dialysis experience. Now in this post I am telling you what was my feeling that time. How I had passed […]
Red Eyes 2 Eyes Suddenly Treatment
Hello dear my reader friends; Hope blessing of God all are ok. In this arcticle I am telling you my real life real story. After Kidney transplant I had faced this situation. There are so many complication that I had over come. After Post Kidney Transplant in my life new experince was Red Eyes. Red […]
Doctor Told My Kidney Rejecting But I Recovered
In this blog post I am going to express the real life story. How I recovered and keep fit after doctor told me my kidney recting. Really that time what I say to my family and friends that what was going on and 2nd time my Post Transplant Kidney again rejectig. This was really too […]
2 Times Right Hand Surgery
Greetings my friends and respected readers. In this article blog post I will share with you in my life real story. In the article title is 2 Times Right Hand Surgery by the title you may realized that why this was happen to me. In my life that was very sad chapter in my life. […]
1/2 half a litter Water all day long
Dear my friend and respected reader the blog post tile seems that it’s impossible. But really in my life I spend my life fro two years by taken only 1/2 half a litter water all day long. Ya this is not possilbe in normal life but when my two kidney had damaged that time I […]